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Rules/Procedures for

Lancashire Group Rallies

1.  EMERGENCY SIGNAL. Sound vehicle horn and operate hazard warning lights.

2.  Members shall be responsible for the behaviour and safety of children in their care, and for their own

safety at all times.

3. On bookable rallies visitors will not be allowed in the hall for the evening entertainment especially for

New Year’s Eve. Members may request that visitors be allowed in the hall on other evenings; the

committee will look at each request individually and make a decision.

4. A simple Risk Assessment should be completed by one of the hosts. A document will be provided.

5. Rallies will normally start at 2pm. This is due to insurance restrictions.

6. Rally hosts must ensure the 4 metre rule between vans is adhered to.

(For details see the MCC Constitution for Groups - Appendix K page A2).

For insurance purposes, only the hosts will be allowed into the rally area before the DEDICATED

START TIME. Head Office must be informed of any earlier starts. Members are urged not to arrive

before the stated start time and allow the hosts time to set themselves up ready for members arriving.

The hosts do have the authority to turn members away until the starting time, however, please do not put

them in that position.

7. Charges (site fee,  hall fee,  rally fee,  visitor fee)

a) When sharing a paying member’s unit, adult members who produce a current membership card,

(total not to exceed the total number of berths in the unit) No Charge.

b) Other Adult visitors (including family) £2.00 per person per night. (Must sleep in the members

unit). Plus, when they use the hall £1.00 per person per night or the hall fee (whichever is the

greater). On special rallies, or where there is paid entertainment, this is increased to £2.00. If the

food or entertainment is provided by a member and not the group then the fee is kept at £1.00.

8. The Christmas Dinner is a bookable rally and is for adults only (i.e. 16 years and over) and the Children

of Group Members. All children under the age of 16 years should be accompanied on the dance floor by

a parent/guardian.

Qualifying for Chritmas Dinner – Names will be taken after the AGM on Saturday and those verified as

having sufficient rallies will be asked to pay their deposit (which is only refundable if they get someone

else to take their place).  They fill in their menus on Sunday coffee morning. A reserve list will be kept

for those members who do not qualify.

9. Bookings for rallies will normally only be taken for Lancashire Group Members two weeks prior to the

rally, and one week prior to the rally for MCC members of other groups.

10. Special Bookable Rallies (e.g. New Year Party). Pre-booking of special bookable rallies may be

permitted at an earlier rally only for regular rally attendees (i.e. those members which have attended a

minimum of 4 rallies in the previous 12 months).

11. Guidelines for Rally Hosts. The pack can be obtained from the Rally Officer and a copy is on the

Chairman’s Board.

12. Games of Chance. The Gaming Act 2005 which is regulated by the Gambling Commission does not

allow children under the age of 18 to play Bingo in licenced premises. Non-members (including

visitors) cannot take part in Bingo if it is held on licenced premises. The hosts must ensure that the

names of Bingo, Take Your Pick, and Bonus Ball winners are identified on the appropriate rally form.​

13. Dogs are welcome at Rallies; however they must be kept on a lead at all times and not allowed to roam

the rally area. If tethered, the anchor should be sited close to the owner’s unit and the tether should be a

maximum of 3 meters (10 feet).

Dog excrement must be cleaned up by the dog’s owners.

14. Unless skips have been made available, all members to remove their own rubbish prior to leaving the

rally field, especially cigarette ends on school premises.

15. Only the rally hosts are permitted to save tables in the hall prior to the start of a rally.

16. The deposits for bookable rallies can only be returned if the Rally is cancelled by the committee.

The only exception to this is, that the rally is fully subscribed and a member has paid a deposit and

cannot attend that particular event and another member has been found to take their place, then they will

have their deposit refunded.

17. The Booking Officer is responsible for taking deposits and keeping a register of bookable rallies.

However, this officer has no responsibility for returning deposits.

18. New Year Rally bookings must be for a minimum of three nights.

19. Any rally of 2 days or more can be hosted either wholly or in part by any member of the Group.

20. The Rally Officer shall attempt to include a rally nearby an organised event.


Rev 4 .   Amended 10 th  September 2023 Signed:  Lisa Kindleysides  (Chairman